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Allergy Testing for Children

An allergy is a reaction by the child’s immune system to normally harmless substances such as pollens, foods, house dust mite. Whilst in most people, these substances (allergens) pose no problem. Diagnosis and treatment of acute allergies is done thorough background and physical assessment of each child. Doctors use skin and blood tests to diagnose allergies. The skin pricked testing is easy, quick, painless and immediate results.
Benefits of skin pricked testing
   The test checks for immediate allergic reactions to as many different substances as once. In adults, the test is usually done in the forearm. Children may be tested on the upper back. The results are immediate and the treatment plan may include medications, immunotherapy, change of home environment or dietary changes.
Who should get the test ?
  1. Sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, ticklish throat or phlegm, particularly during weather changes.
  2. Breathing difficulties, sinusitis and frequent infections.
  3. Frequent headaches, abnormal tiredness and colds.
  4. Acute skin rashes or urticarial for unknown reasons.
  5. Signs of asthma such as difficulty breathing, chest pains, loud breathing or coughing particularly at night or after exercise.
  6. Being asthmatic already but no improvements during treatment and symptoms shown frequently.
  7. Allergic to food or medicine.
  8. No improvements after taking antihistamines or other medicines, or facing with side effects such as physical weakness, drowsiness or irritation.
  9. Ineffective results from using other treatment methods such as herbal treatments, macrobiotic foods, acupuncture, reflexology.
   Allergen is a substance that can cause an allergic reaction Allergens are produced through standardized processes, separating into individual bottles to make the test more reliable. Not all allergens are required for allergic testing. The specialized doctor will use different quantities for the test, depending on the age and medical history of the patient. Allergens are extracted from numerous allergic stimuli such as :
  1. Dust mites, fur, animal proteins and animal dander
  2. Insects and mite feces (such as cockroaches)
  3. Pollen, fungal spores
  4. Foods (such as milk, soy, egg, peanuts, fish, animal meat, seafood, vegetables and fruits)
Test Preparation
  1. Do not take antihistamines 7-10 days before testing, depending on the type of medication.
  2. Inform the doctor of other medication taken before the test.
  3. Some medication may contain antihistamines such as medicine for colds, nasal congestions and anti-itching. Do not take within 7 days prior the test.
  4. Patients with heart disease or high blood pressure must inform the doctor before testing because some medications need to be stopped before testing.
  5. Do not wear cologne or scented body lotions and medication of all kinds to areas which will be tested.
  6. No need to be fasted prior the test.
Skin Pricked Test
   After cleaning the test site with alcohol, small marks will be drawn on the skin and applies a drop of allergen extract next to each mark and then wiped off. This type of testing uses needles that barely penetrate the skin’s surface. There will be no bleeding but momentary discomfort could be felt. The results will show within 15 minutes. If the patient is allergic to one of the the substances tested, a raised, red, itchy bump will be developed. This skin prick test method (SPT) is universally accepted and recommended as the first stage in allergy diagnosis, as it is safe, easy, time-efficient and will not spark major allergic reactions. 
   Severe allergic reactions are rare occurrence because only a small amount of liquid is applied, and the test is conducted in the care of medical professionals.

Operating Hours :
Open Monday – Sunday, 08.00 – 20.00
Pediatric Center, 2nd Floor of Bangpakok 9 International Hospital

For more information :
Telephone : +662–109–9111 ext. 10240, 10241
Call Center : 1745

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